The body brutally broken for us. The blood mercifully shed for us. This is the heart of Christianity. This is what communion is about. This book is about the author's personal insight and experiences with communion. It is supposed to answer your questions about the Sacred Meal.
The majority of this book is filled with personal experiences "about communion", though almost all of them have nothing to do with communion. Some may be good Christian testimonies, but I don’t think they belong in a book about "communion". Further, it scarcely speaks of the first communion, the Last Supper, and slightly more often (though not nearly enough) does it speak of Jesus.
There are many things I disagree with in this book; most are flat-out, hands-down false teachings when placed next to the Bible. Here are a few examples of the poisonous doctrines mixed throughout the text:
TSM: Communion is all about community. P.6,11-13
MR(My Refute): Recall what Jesus said, Luke 22:19 "...This is my body given for you; do this in remembrance of me." Remembrance of JESUS, not the community.
TSM: When Jesus turned water to wine at the wedding feast, the wine was "hidden" in the water; Jesus found and restored it. P. 65-66
MR: Really now? Is Dr.Pepper hidden inside a coconut? No. Jesus made (Greek – ginomai: to come into existence) the water into wine.
TSM: Nora speaks about how she "accidentally" ended up participating in an Islamic dance/prayer ritual and how amazing it was. P. 98-100
MR: The God of the Bible is not the some of that of the Quar'an. Exodus 20:3 "You shall have no other gods before me."
TSM: We make Jesus into our personal savior; but he was half that, half political activist. P.111
MR: I don't know about you, but Jesus is my personal savior. Can't he be that and also against political corruption? Against corruption doesn't make him less a savior. I am all novel lover and I still love movies. I’m not half and half.
TSM: When we die, we become part of the earth, the birds, the trees - just like Jesus. P.134-137
MR: I was very disturbed by this choice morsel. While this theology may look dazzling in 3D and bring millions to the box office (Avatar), it is not in line with the Bible. 2Corinthians 5:8 “…we would rather be away from the body and at home with the Lord.”
TSM: "We are all the ongoing incarnation." P.137
MR: No refute even necessary.
Zero stars. I strongly recommend you DO NOT read this book!
Normally I would include an Amazon link to the book, however, as I am strongly against this book, I am including a link to the NIV Bible instead: