This book is very difficult to place in one genre. It is sort of a mix of fantasy, sci-fi, biographies, and inspirational. As this book is mixed genre, I also have mixed feelings about it. Overall, I liked it. It was a quick book that explores good morals and tells interesting stories. I did have a few problems with it however.
First off, the archangel Gabriel is a main character in the book. Forgive me for my line of thought, but Muhammad also thought he was visited by Gabriel. Now I am not saying that people can't be visited by Gabriel, it is quite possible it happens. I am simply saying that nagging thought stayed in my mind. My other problem was that Gabriel spoke of a race more advanced than ours. Instantly I thought to the Garden of Eden. He then continued on about the pyramids, how we can't match them today. Then I was confused. The Isrealites, the Egyptians? Then he spoke of their architecure all over the world and them living 30,000 years ago. Now I was thinking whoa. Aliens? I can't think of what else it could be. I was very disappointed about that. Decent values if you can avoid the obstacles.
On the plus side. I never guessed the answer.
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